* Our FBC NURSERY is in desperate need of all sorts of equipment and items so we’re holding a NURSERY SHOWER. You can help in one of these ways:
1 – Just follow the Facebook link to the Amazon baby registry on Facebook. You can browse the items that have been requested, add them to your cart directly from the list and Amazon will even ship the items straight to the church.
2 – Pull an item off the giving tree in the Welcome Center and shop for it. Bring it to the church during business hours.
3 – If you would rather not shop, you can designate funds from your giving and the church will do the shopping for you. Just make sure that you write on the envelope or check that it is for the nursery shower.
* Save the date: MEN’S OUTING will be held October 12 at Jeff Moore’s place. There will be good food, fun and fellowship. Details to come.
* Beginning this Thursday, September 12 , FBC FELLOWSHIP DINNERS will restart, so make sure to stop in the Welcome Center and sign up if you plan to attend. Meals are free but there will be a free will offering to help offset the cost.
* Also on Thursday, immediately following dinner, Pastor Josiah will be starting a new bible study on ECCLESIASTES. All are welcome to attend, and you are encouraged to bring a friend or two from the community!
* As summer comes to an end, YOUTH GROUP is starting back up! We will meet Sundays at 5:30 pm. See Chrissy Hanson if you have any questions!
* If you attend FBC regularly, please consider becoming a member. There a few ways to join. Baptism is one – if you are baptized here, you are automatically a member. If you were baptized elsewhere and would like to become a member, please see Pastor Josiah about joining.
To volunteer in the Nursery, see Leah Starkey.
To join the funeral visitation rotation, see Nancy Masten.
To take communion to our shut-ins, see Leadership Team.